Sweet and syrupy, with notes of caramel, plum and blueberry.

  • Chota, Cajamarca
  • Peru
  • 2,000 MASL
  • Washed
  • Caturra
  • Caramel, Plum, Blueberry

Origin Story

Chota is a region high in the Andes, with most of the coffee comprising this lot being grown above 2,000 MASL. In Chota it is more common for farmers to rear cattle (mainly cows), or to grow vegetables such as potatoes and corn. In recent years though, more and more producers have started to focus on coffee.

The extreme altitude makes growing conditions very challenging, but the coffee that is grown tends to be of extremely high quality, in part due to the caturra variety that is widely grown here, but also due to the slow fermentation times in the cold climate.

The producers deliver cherry to Finca Churupampa in Chirinos, which is about 5 hours drive away, although this can take up to 15 hours in a coffee laden truck. Despite the long journey, a lot of producers choose to deliver to Churupampa due the relatively high prices they pay, and the technical assistance that they offer.

The team at Churupampa pulp, wash and sort the coffee, before laying it out to dry, and preparing it for export.

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