Our coffee sourcing programme is focussed on quality, provenance and relationships.
We select coffees that are exemplars of their type from a network of producers and importers that we know and trust.
We believe that only by visiting the producers that we work with are we truly able to understand the challenges that they face, and the conditions that they work in. By visiting year-on-year, we are able to be better partners, and more informed buyers.
Our commitment to the producers that we work with has also opened up a number of exciting opportunities for us, from being offered our own plot at Daterra in Brazil on which to run an agricultural experiment of our own design, to collaborating on bespoke fermentation and processing protocol with our partners at El Fénix in Colombia.

Our commitment to quality extends to our roastery operation. We roast all of our coffees on our Loring roasters. Aside from being amongst the most energy efficient, and clean-burning roasters on the market, Loring roasters result in the cleanest and most expressive coffees that we have tasted. We were also the first roaster in the UK to use fully-recyclable packaging made predominantly from post-consumer recycled plastic, helping us to ensure that we keep our carbon footprint to a minimum.

We donate 2% of our revenue through coffee sales to charitable, environmental, and community causes. Currently this split between rewilding projects close to home, donations to Growing Well, a local organic farm and mental health charity, and donations to our key importing partner Raw Material, a not-for-profit social enterprise that exists to improve the lives and working conditions of the producers that they work with.